Sunday, March 29, 2009
sneek into your house tonight.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sail on silvergirl, Sail on by. Your time has come to shine.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
You run and tell your friends that you're leaving me, They say that they don't see what you see in me.

Also, on Saturday i decided to make a quick stop in Sally Ann, and i found myself this cute little phone in the most gorgeous shade of teal possible, that silk scarf that isn't so visible on my head, and a light cream barret. Funny thing about that "cute little" phone, is it's not so little, i hadn't noticed that until i had to switch phones mid phone call, it was a funny feeling. Its actually quite...large, haha.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
well isn't she just darling?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
technology will be the end of us all.
Now, remember when even longer back, a month or so actually, when i bought that blue coat from Gap, the white blazer, and the black with white polka-dot dress? The dress with the pictures that i was unable to take? See, now you know what i'm getting at eh? True Canadian BTW, with my eh and everything.
Any who, i've finally taken the photos of that dress, worn by Lisa, my mannequin. That's right! I finally got her, no less than 2 months late, but shes still here!(Lisa was supposed to be my birthday present, which was in early January, but we got her off EBay, so lots of complications) Also, i named her Lisa, all by myself, so no she did not come pre-named like Cabbage Patch Kids. (Mine is name Elizabeth, IS, not WAS, because i still have her) So here is the dress, as seen on Lisa, and here is the bow! So yes, i am obviously quite, very excited about being able to use a camera once again.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Dare to wear the foolish clown face.

"I am not a sad clown. I am not a sad clown."
Nathan Lane
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Spring Break 09 Baby.

Alex Chung on the right and... uh...friend. That's right, i really have no idea who is with her, i'm thinking Kelly Osborn, but not sure. You all will have no idea how long i spent googling and searching to find out with her, but no site, blog or anything mentions the other gorgeous girl there with her, so add this the the list. I'm loving the way Alex has put this vintage blazer over a beautiful dress to give it a more vintage feel. And yet, it doesn't ruin the elegance. Also loving her gal pal's black (velvet?) dress, with the crinoline around the neck, and at the bottom of the dress creating the frills. This photograph is from the London Fashion Week '08-'09, at the Luella Catwalk Show.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Marissa. EyeHeartYou.x on
Now, William is literally the only scene boy in our school, automatically giving him his own fan club. Not literally, but there are the number of scene girls who are are all madly in love with him. Sorry girlies, but we're about to lose the only and only scene boy you have to fantasize over!
Shaelee.(As seen in her scene kid days.) [Rouge*- on
Now, meet Simone, one of my very good friends...well she once was pretty close, but then she hopped up and moved to Saskatchewan. Simone definitely is not scene, but she has her own style, which is close to. Her hair colour changes often, which according to some How To sites, is one way to begin your scene kid lifestyle. Facial piercings are also a must, and Simone also has that, and at one point, had a bright pink tutu, which i quote "frilly tutus always look cute on girls".
How to be scene, and scene style sites...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Dear Prudence, wont you come out to play?
We attract to ourselves what we hold inside.
Every circumstance, every person, and every
situation that we attract and experience is
based on what is inside of us. Could you ask
for a more magnificent system than this?
Your life is a reflection of what you hold inside
you, and what you hold inside you is always
under your control.
Day 9
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Don't let someone become a priority in your life, if your just an option in theirs.
maggie and milly and molly and may .
By e.e. cummings
maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)
and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles, and
milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;
and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles; and
may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea
she spun too fast, she fell too hard, and finally, she hit the ground.

ALRIGHT. Well, scratch that idea, once again. As i was taking today's pictures, my camera died, and we don't have any more batteries, so i will try to get the pictures up as soon as possible. They might have to be web cam, or camera phone pictures, so i truly do apologize for that.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
love should last a life, or atleast a year, but it lasts a week.
Anywh0, I wore the jumper shorts, i looked tres adorible.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The best thing about being here, is knowing that this is where you are.
I love my friends, we're fashionistas, but with brain.
I love my friends, we're smart, yet know how to have a good time.
I do feel a bit bad for all the Vic High Girls, being outshone on their own prom by two girls from a hick town.
darling little girl, where oh where did you go?
As you can likely tell my desk is quite cluttered, i had to rearrange everything around have it looking at least this tidy.
Personally i'm a fan of dead roses, these were bright red when Tia gave them to me on Valentine's Day, but the couple of weeks in between then, and now, has caused them to go suicide in the vase of water i previously had them in.
There were also a couple adorable porcelain dolls on the wall also, and one of them that i adored with reminded me of Alice in Wonderland, but without the scary cat. She was wearing a blue...plaid i believe it was, dress, with the same shade of eyes, and blond curls. She was only about $4.50, and i probably would have gotten her to add to my collection of 3, but sadly there's no room left on my dresser.
I was doing my last round through pretty quickly looking through the skirts and shorts, when i found it. I know how cliche that sounds, like in romance novels, and the author will say something about how the boy is walking through town when... Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Boy lives happily ever after. But, i'm madly in love with this...jumper/shorts. I'm not exactly sure what to call it. I was originally thinking jumper, but when googled, nothing like this comes up.

Excuse me for this horrid pose, and the fact that i'm wearing fuzzy socks. I do apologize, really. I plan on wearing this ensemble tomorrow, but with the black leggings i got for 99cents, black boots, and a yellow blouse that i will be borrowing from Hannah. The belt on these shorts is so cute, and the buttons are possibly what caused me to fall in love with this.

Front buttons.

Belt Buckle.
The Actual Short Leg.
The back buttons are actually quite use full. I didn't realise until this afternoon that the second button can be used to make the straps a bit shorter, which in my case is quite useful, as the straps being the only things that don't exactly fit. This number was about $4.