Lets face it, some people can work it, and some can't, an example of someone who can't, would be me. That's right, little vintage girl had her scene phase, as has everyone else on the face of the planet right now. My inspiration for this post is the following image...well i wouldn't exactly say inspiration, but the reason for this topic. As in Hot Topic(Ha. Get it?)
A new girl came to our little community school late last week, Ana, she has a scene style, as does her brother, Joe. Although Joe started coming to our school at the beginning of the school year, and has been dating Marissa from day one. Joe has also had this image as his MSN display picture for quite some time, but i just saw what the image was on Nexopia earlier today. This picture reminded me of little Ana because she possibly has the teeniest legs, ever, and is always seen with her hot pink, high top, Converse. A few of my fabulous scene friends would be Marissa, William, Kaitlyn, and Simone, their photo's are the following.
Marissa. EyeHeartYou.x on http://www.nexopia.com/

Kate's not exactly scene, but she has her own...scene meets Kate style, which i absolutely love. Marissa is, and most definitely, scene, although her hair no longer has coon tails, its just plain black, though, does have a blue-ish tinge. Kaitlyn also no longer straightens her hair, at least not often, on of the account of it being much to difficult to maintain. Kate, like moi, has very curly hair.
Now, meet Simone, one of my very good friends...well she once was pretty close, but then she hopped up and moved to Saskatchewan. Simone definitely is not scene, but she has her own style, which is close to. Her hair colour changes often, which according to some How To sites, is one way to begin your scene kid lifestyle. Facial piercings are also a must, and Simone also has that, and at one point, had a bright pink tutu, which i quote "frilly tutus always look cute on girls".
Marissa. EyeHeartYou.x on http://www.nexopia.com/
Now, William is literally the only scene boy in our school, automatically giving him his own fan club. Not literally, but there are the number of scene girls who are are all madly in love with him. Sorry girlies, but we're about to lose the only and only scene boy you have to fantasize over!
Shaelee.(As seen in her scene kid days.) [Rouge*- on http://www.nexopia.com/
Kaitlyn.(BFFL) DISASTER[x]ZONE on http://www.nexopia.com/
Now, meet Simone, one of my very good friends...well she once was pretty close, but then she hopped up and moved to Saskatchewan. Simone definitely is not scene, but she has her own style, which is close to. Her hair colour changes often, which according to some How To sites, is one way to begin your scene kid lifestyle. Facial piercings are also a must, and Simone also has that, and at one point, had a bright pink tutu, which i quote "frilly tutus always look cute on girls".
Scene is about being different, and not blending in with the crowd, or following it, so basically just being yourself. Which obviously isn't the case anymore. There are hundreds, probably thousands of sites on How To Be Scene. Some of which will be posted at the bottom of this post, so, if being scene and having this particular style, is about being yourself, then why exactly are there oh so many sites on how to do it properly? Again with the oxymoron's, there seem to be too oh so many of those these days. Now, i'm am not saying being scene is bad, that is definitely not the case, though it does seem to be a bit too big of a thing these days.
How to be scene, and scene style sites...
- http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Scene-Kid
- http://www.luv-emo.com/scene-kids.html
- http://scenestyles.blogspot.com/2008/10/hot-long-scene-hairstyle-2009.html
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