Again, with the horrible blogging, and again, i am so sorry! The whole, no working camera available thing has really screwed me over. See, i do have a camera, but the charger has been missing since November '08, and my mother's camera(That's right, i have stooped so low) uses batteries, which died. So, thus no pictures, which means no pictures to write about. So i'm sure you see my dilemma.
Anyways, its spring break, which should mean beaches and bikinis, or well...considering its Canada, at least pools and bikinis. Okay, well i suppose we could go to the pool, if it would stop snowing for a day. That's right. It's been snowing. It started last Tuesday i believed, and was the major dump then, it was on and off for a while, then we looked outside, and there was a minimum of 6 inches on the school field. Really now, its not that easy to look amazing in winter gear, many designers have failed, and some have succeeded. Mind you, most designers choose to use fur, which automatically ruins the design.
Example 1 of an outfit that would be bad, with or without the fur.
This is from the London Fashion Week 2008-2009, designed by Julian McDonald. I honestly don't know what he was thinking. The hood, is...well it would look descent with the bow, i am a fan for bows. But it is a teeny bit too big. The gloves are either a leather, or some..shiny material of some sort, which i really don't enjoy. Lastly the fur...well i don't think i really need to say anything of the fur, but i will just because i'm already on a rant. Its neon orange fur, neon! It strangely Oompa-Loompa meets Hephalump from Winnie the Pooh.

Alex Chung on the right and... uh...friend. That's right, i really have no idea who is with her, i'm thinking Kelly Osborn, but not sure. You all will have no idea how long i spent googling and searching to find out with her, but no site, blog or anything mentions the other gorgeous girl there with her, so add this the the list. I'm loving the way Alex has put this vintage blazer over a beautiful dress to give it a more vintage feel. And yet, it doesn't ruin the elegance. Also loving her gal pal's black (velvet?) dress, with the crinoline around the neck, and at the bottom of the dress creating the frills. This photograph is from the London Fashion Week '08-'09, at the Luella Catwalk Show.
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