So, i've found the best, and newest way of continuing my life perfectly...(Drum roll please)photos! I have been going camera crazy lately, its lovely! Here's today's outfit, and a cute little profile picture...well almost, on the side. The vest, woo, now lets talk about that for uno momento shall we? I have been looking for a cute boy vest for well...basically ever, back in December i found one, but it didn't look...right. This one, is navy blue, with pinstripes on the front, and navy silk on the back, yours truly found this lovely things for a whopping $6.29 at Salvation Army yesterday, literally moments after the hair cut. Yesterday was a good day! Jeans are American Eagle-*GASP*-I know right? Just in case this is unknown for most, which it likely is, for the past...well year or so, i've had such a detest for American eagle, but i found these old baggy jeans in the back of my closet today, and i couldn't resist. Plaid shirt is Stitches - what's this? Something she's actually bought that isn't pre-owned? Shocker eh? Lastly the scarf is Walmart, the department store to end all department stores.
BTW, i apologize for the mess in my room, in case no one has noticed yet, i'm not good for cleanliness. If someone hadn't noticed this already, then someone needs to get their eyes checked! ;)
WAIT, i also just got a new laundry hamper! Now, i do now that has little, or nothing to do with fashion, but it is in the photo, and i would just like to show it off. See that checkered box in the corner? Now mine for only $29.99 from Winner's! That little box may just save my life, my previous laundry basket, was pretty much Tupperware.
Okay, now this is the last little segment, i promise! See that little girl in the corner of the last photo? The one holding enough balloons to potentially lift her up and carry her away? Well, that's me! Happy 5th(?) sweetie! I was such a cute little girl, wait! No, i'm still cute, right? Right?!
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