Christmas is in two sleeps, and i'm ridiculously excited. Tonight i found out that i'll be receiving a pink plush housecoat, and i'm pumped. In my defence i was
not snooping, it was behind the couch, which isn't even next to a wall; not very well hidden. I'm hoping that my mother will see this, and let me have it now, enabling me to wear it all day tomorrow. I dyed my hair today, it's so dark, darker than i planned, or wanted, but it's nice. Close to black, which is slightly weird only because i'm 99% sure i dyed my hair a year ago today with the exact same stuff. Shortly after starting my hair i was nervous about not having nearly enough dye. Once all of my hair was finished, i was still left with half a bottle. I used the rest of it as hair gel, putting my hair in funny shapes.

Next to no makeup today. I only got dressed around 4:30 for a short trip to the Salvation Army, i still need winter clothes! I told my mum that i was hoping for some winter dresses, and she practically begged me to wait till Christmas - i wonder what else i'll be unwrapping Friday morning. Sadly, as usual there were hardly any dresses at the local Sally Ann, although i did find a cute 90's vest for $3, and a wool coat for $7. My new coat is gray, much too big for me, missing a pocket, and my mother says that it makes me look homeless. I absolutely love it. Also, my response to her shot at my coat was "you look homeless," brilliant Shaelee, brilliant.
Also i've made a daily booth, it's so much fun. It kinda like twitter, only for photo's.
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