"Alright, random breathalysing test, who wants to go...you(?)." Pointing at the twin who knew the police officer personally.
"Uh...sure," throughout the process of watching her blow on the plastic tube, me and my other friend were laughing quietly.
"Oops, didn't work, try again"
We continued with our laughter.
Anyways, the usually exciting, over-the-top school dance, was a complete fail... maybe not complete, but now what i had expected. The school's hang out area was filled with an awkward squish of scene ninth graders, still very excited tenth graders, a few handfuls determined to have fun eleventh graders, and very little why am i even here grad students. Not exactly a complete success. Our school also purchased about 300 breathalyzer tubes, and 190 students showed for the occasion.
J-Hump didn't play Party In The USA either, i'm not okay with this. A good ninety-seven Miley crazed students joined a facebook group in petition, too.
I wore a black and pink dress, with black floral lace, i found it as Sirens with Bri the day before. It resembled the dress i 'made' for the last formal. I borrowed a studded belt to go with, found myself a matching bracelet, and a chain-like necklace. Black tights and shiny black pumps from Super Store completed my look, making me feel extremely bad-ass.
The funniest part though, instead of going to the school dance, it's rumored that some students vandalized all of the school buses. There's no proof that EMCS students had anything to do with it, but i think it would make sense. While all the cops in town were at the local high school dance, there were none anywhere else in town on a Thursday night. Some seats were torched, doors ripped off, tires sliced, and spray paint everything. Bloody genius, it seems well thought out. On the plus side for anyone wanting to go to another school dance, the school board shouldn't be able to blame it on the school / dances. Anyone that had anything to do with the dance, was obviously at the school, so they couldn't have had anything to do with the vandalizing.
For the past couple on nights, i've been barely surviving the cold, so i've practically been living in Tia's American Eagle sweater / shirt. I slept in this morning, though i still had an hour to wait until my step-dad would be able to drive me to school. The opportunity was just too good to turn down, today i wore black jeans, Tia's cosy shirt, and red converse. It was a good day, sorta.
At this moment i am sitting on Mariah's couch, boiling from the heat of the laptop, heater, and fake fireplace. Mariah is snoring on the fold out chair. It is about three am, 2:55 to be exact, and i'm wide awake. Likely only because i'm writing, once i stop i'll probably crash. I just finished watching Home Alone, and i'm so glad that it's the Christmas season. I honestly don't think i've ever been so excited for this holiday, it's supposed to snow tomorrow too.
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