There was a U2/Black Eyed Peas concert a couple of weeks ago, i went to it, with my mother. Originally (months and months ago), she was supposed to go with her hubby, but then some shit came up, and i went instead. It was pretty fun, we had floor tickets, although it took 4 workers to tell us that, idiots. Then we had to go through 3 more blue vested foreigners, and teenagers to actually get to the floor. I have no idea what that was all about, but it was pretty dumb. No offence to my mum, but i don't ever recommend going to a concert with a mother, especially not if it's yours. And especially not if you love to dance, mosh, and go crazy, because most moms don't like doing said activity, apparently. Also, maybe it's just mine, but she was slightly crazy over this guy who was "sliming" me, even though i didn't notice it. But apparently he was "rubbing up against me the entire time," then again, we were on the floor.
It took us 45 minutes to get from the stadium to our hotel, by then it was 2am, this included stopping at a 711 so i could get a slushie (i thought it was a smart idea at the time,) and my mum could get a microwave burger. We arrive, freezing and wet, it turns out the heater in our room is broken, and i forgot pajamas. boo. We were forced to awake at 5am, and catch a 6:30 ferry back to the island, this way my mum could pic up Noah and Lacey from their grandparents' house. I'm not sure why exactly, but i figured "what the hell?", and went to school. I always tend to do that, when Noah was born, i was woken up at midnight, went back to bed around 4, and insisted on going to school that day. I was in the 4th grade, btw.
I'm not sure, but i believe it was the beginning of October when i met a nice lady named Kristy. She sold me a brilliant breast cancer tshirt, and told me she would be willing to sell some of my things, depending on the quality. She soon sent me a message on facebook, although i still haven't replied, due to stupid reasons. Well, pretty much i never uploaded pictures of that blue dress i meddled with over the summer, and that was all i really had to show her. I just uploaded it along with some images for this post, so maybe i'll reply tonight, letting her know i'm not ridiculously immature for not responding to a business offer. Anyways, this is the breast cancer shirt she designed, and how i wore it.

I found the cutest dress, ever, at The Patch in October. It's a cream colour, with a peculiar lace. I didn't notice until after i bought it, and was sitting in English class playing with the hem, that the lace looks like millions of little spider webs. Too cute! I believe it was later on that night when i came upon the John Patrick (organic) Fall Collection on my search for some good fall fashion. My feet are always wet, cold, and i never have anything good for current weather conditions. Damn i'm unprepared. Anyways, i'm absolutely in love with the outfit on the right, in the 5th picture down. I attempted to reconstruct it with whatever clothes i could find laying in my dirty pile. (Pretty much everything was in the dirty pile at that moment, i still need to do laundry actually). My lace dress almost reminds me of the black lace dress to the left, also in the 5th image down. The last outfit is something i know i'll be wearing more than i should. That turtle neck is just so comfortable, and perfect for fall! I still adore that skirt more than nearly anything, and it goes with practically everything.
Holy crap, so i just realised it's 11:30 pm, and i have school tomorrow, as i do every other Monday. Although this past week i've received next to no sleep with the hockey tournament. We lost all of out games btw. I'll hopefully continue this tomorrow, although likely not.
Good night!
post larger photos. empire waste dresses are always fun. last photo is way cute.