The first image(s) is from yesterday(September 25/09), and I got too distracted with hockey, art, weed, and photo shop to write anything about it. By the way, no, I didn't figure out how to use the photo shop program, and I doubt I will. Yesterday I was planning to wear my over-alls that were found at the Sally Ann just before summer began, but about 3 minutes after I was supposed to leave for the bus, the extremely gray clouds were spotted just outside my window. Just my luck. Running up the stairs I changed into this, gladly it worked out pretty well.
oops! i spilt some spaghetti sauce on my knee...
I can not get over how hilarious Indi is! The above image is from a couple

of weeks ago, and the below are from yesterday. While eating my dinner, and
doing English homework in our place house, I look over to see this.

I have a bad feeling that it's not going to be warm enough for shorts for much longer, and the sky was a bright shade of blue this morning. Hello over-alls! There's nothing really special about today, it's a Friday, so I suppose that's quite awesome. Oh! By the way, I dyed my hair the other night, although it's not quite what I wanted, it's not dark enough, slightly red actually. I'm thinking about trying again with Bri, when she mixed her hair dye, she forgot to add the bleach. oops.

really cute outfit in the last pic :]
ReplyDeleteaweh, thanks! i miss warm weather now