I would like to wish the oh so gorgeous Elizabeth Taylor an amazing 77th birthday! Seventy seven years ago today Elizabeth was born in Hampstead, a more wealthy part of London. Not too long after the beginning of World War 2, Taylor and family moved back to the States, which is where her parents were originaly from. When she was seven years old she was mention in an editorial about her mother, and that's when the producer of Gone With The Wind found her. Apparently not all the parts had been assigned, and little Elizabeth Taylor would have been the perfect Bonnie Blue, daughter of Scarlett O'Hara, and Rhett Butler. Sadly this idea was over almost as soon as it began, the seven year old girl's father would not allow her to get into the acting business so young. If you have not seen this movie, i greatly recommend it, it makes for a good day to stay in bed. Funny how at the age of seven, the little girl's father would not let her be little Bonnie Blue, but only two years later Elizabeth appeared in her first film, There's One Born Every Minute. I've yet to see this, but I'll be sure to put it on my list. Throughout the years our birthday girl has been made well known for numerous reasons, the following are just a few, amazing acting skills, beauty, and many, many marriages.
I am a very committed wife. And I should be committed too - for being married so many times -Elizabeth Taylor
A handful photos seem to be in need here...
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, the 5th Tennessee Williams play to make it to film.
Cleopatra, which came out in 1963.
Big girls need big diamonds. -Elizabeth Taylor
Big girls need big diamonds. -Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor and mother, Sara.
Mia Farrow and Elizabeth Taylor in Secret Ceremony, 1968.
Elizabeth Taylor as a wee little girl.
I suppose when they reach a certain age some men are afraid to grow up. It seems the older the men get, the younger their new wives get. -Elizabeth Taylor
Taylor leaving on her way home after being hospitalized in '08, at the age of 76.
When people say, 'She's got everything', I've got one answer - I haven't had tomorrow. -Elizabeth Taylor
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